How To Decorate Around A Water Fountain? Fantastic Tips & Ideas

How To Decorate Around A Water Fountain Fantastic Tips & Ideas

How to decorate around a water fountain? You can add lighting, marble figurines, greenery, herbs, vegetables, fruits, and so on.

One area of the house that never seems to get enough decorating attention is the outdoor entertainment area. Consider installing a water fountain if you’re thinking about redecorating your patio, courtyard, or even your lawn. But, how to decorate around a water fountain?

There are numerous varieties of fountains. They may have minimalist designs or be independent works of art. They can be challenging to decorate around, though. You must be careful to choose décor that can withstand getting wet as well as work well when exposed to the elements outside… possibly all the time. Here are some decorating ideas for a water feature.

How To Decorate Around A Water Fountain?

Adding Lighting

A wonderful addition to enjoy at night are lights. They may be positioned inside, submerged, or around the fountain. Nevertheless, you must make sure the fixtures are waterproof. You can choose between a light that is plain white and constant for a calming effect and a light that is colored and changing for a more vibrant effect.  

Adding Marble Figurines

It’s simple to picture a marble statue and a Roman fountain in your backyard. But it doesn’t have to be that extravagant. Figurines are available in a wide range of sizes and shapes, and marble is very weather-resistant. Perhaps all your water feature needs is a tiny marble bird or frog. 

Giving Fountains A Facelift With Painted Concrete

Consider painting your old fountain to give it new life if it needs it. If you want your fountain to more closely match its surroundings, painting it is also a good idea. For example, if your brick fountain is light gray but your garden has red brick pathways, you might want them to match. You can also paint your fountain to make it a more striking piece that you don’t need to decorate around.

Homesteady advises that you should disassemble a concrete fountain as much as you can before painting it. Give the fountain a thorough cleaning after that. Use warm water and mild dish soap to clean this. Any mildew and dirt on its surface can be gently scrubbed off using a toothbrush, paintbrush, or rag. You can start painting as soon as everything is tidy and dry. Get paint designed especially for cement to ensure the best appearance.

Creating A Designated Pathway To Your Fountain

You should designate a path leading to your water feature so that people can approach it up close. You won’t have to walk through your flower beds or damage your lawn to get there this way. A nice garden path doesn’t have to be expensive or in a straight line, according to The Family Handyman. In fact, some of the prettiest garden paths are lax and create a winding stroll through the yard.

Mulch, gravel, stone, and even concrete, if you want something more durable, are common materials for garden paths. You can design a path that leads directly to your fountain, meanders through your garden, or even encloses your water feature in a loop so that it can be seen from all directions. While your path does not require borders, you might decide to use them nonetheless to keep everything contained. Common border materials include brick, stone, metal, and even plastic. See more about How To Decorate A Two Tiered Stand

Adding Greenery Increases The Natural Look

The fountain gains a natural touch from the greenery. Your choice of greenery will depend on both the desired look and the hardiness zone for your area. If you want to conceal the fountain’s base, vine-like plants like ivy can climb it. It’s a good idea to place shorter plants or flowers in front of the taller greenery around the fountain and greenery that grows straight, like the mother-in-law’s tongue. See more about How To Decorate A Pumpkin Pie?

Putting Herbs Spice Up The Fountain

Many people don’t consider herbs to be a good accent for outdoor garden fountains, but many garden fountains have a small amount of water that splashes out of them. This gives herbs like lavender or sweet basil the moisture they require to grow. Growing herbs close to the fountain has the additional benefit of allowing you to display the entire fountain without much concealment because many herbs aren’t fast growers. See more about Awesome Dog House Decor Ideas

Adding Vegetables Make The Fountain Look Healthy

Low-growing vegetables can give your fountain a healthy touch. You might be able to have vegetables growing all year long, depending on the hardiness zone in which you reside. In order to highlight your fountain, taller vegetables like corn would not be a good choice. Less tall vegetables and ground cover are preferable. Broccoli, greens, beans, pumpkins, and squash are a few examples of vegetables that can give the fountain a little bit of useful color. 

Fruits Adding A Sweet Touch

Fruits like blueberries and strawberries can fit in taller fountains. Strawberries, for example, are a vining fruit that will probably climb the fountain if planted. The fruit needs something to climb on, so add a trellis if you don’t want it to climb the fountain. Fruits give the fountain a tasty splash of color. 

Colorful Accents

A vibrantly colored accent will stand out despite the current trend for fountains to have minimal appliques and muted colors. Additionally, it can give the garden some personality, shock factor, or whimsy to really set it apart. A single colorful accent can completely alter the impression your fountain makes, whether it takes the form of steel blue irises, a vibrant red modern sculpture, or a rainbow-colored dragon inspired by Oriental mythology.

How About Metal Décor

The durability and natural appearance of copper make it a popular material for fountains and other architectural features. You’ll discover that a lot of the sculptures in ponds and fountains are made of metals, particularly the tiny frogs and animal-shaped spittles. These might frequently get weathered down and stained, despite being initially spotless and immaculately shiny. If you must, be sure to spend money on high-quality metal items that won’t corrode, degrade, and eventually taint the fountain water.

Turning Your Water Fountain Into A Statue

All types of creativity can be incorporated into the various sizes and shapes of fountain designs. As a result, one of the best ways to decorate the area around a water feature is to transform the fountain into a piece of art. You can achieve this by constructing a substantial sculpture out of the tiers, basin, and surrounding area. This Old House asserts that you can create a work of art using water even if you’re not a sculptor.

A unique fountain design can be as straightforward as a few stones stacked on top of one another. A doorway-shaped fountain that drips water like rain or repurposes an old vase as the basin are other options. Here, use your imagination to its fullest. And there are lots of interesting options that are pre-made and prepared to be brought home with you if a custom-made, sculptural fountain is out of your price range.

How To Decorate Around A Water Fountain Fantastic Tips & Ideas
How To Decorate Around A Water Fountain? Fantastic Tips & Ideas

Using Fountains To Create Symmetry

When you can have two in your garden, why only have one water feature? Symmetry complements your fountains, which is one of the best ways to decorate around a water feature. By including a second or third feature, you can achieve this. According to The Fountain, you can use radial symmetry to put the fountain in the middle with other water features branching out from it, or bilateral symmetry to make halves that are mirror images with a fountain on each.

These patterns each give your outdoor area a sense of harmony and refinement. GardenDesignExposed points out that measurements need not be exact in order for symmetrical elements to complement one another when placing them in your garden. This approximate symmetry design approach still achieves the same goal as something that is mathematically perfect: beauty. Therefore, you are free to design and implement the water features in your garden on your own… even if you don’t have a Ph.D. in engineering.

Considering Large Stone Slabs Instead Of Pavement

You might think about using stone slabs as flooring in place of pavement if you intend to create a gathering space around your fountain. The Landscaping Network asserts that slabs are a nice, stable option that presents excellent opportunities for plant life because growth can easily flourish between the slabs. Utilizing this idea, you can create a fountain that is both aesthetically pleasing and functional. To make the fountain even larger, you can place smaller stone tributaries leading to it between the larger stone slabs.

Two major categories of slabs, according to World of Stones, are: natural and engineered. In contrast to engineered slabs, which are a mixture that is poured into the desired shape, natural slabs are made of stone that has been cut from a rock and sanded to the desired shape. Both kinds look fantastic, are equally durable, and are priced similarly. Simply select the option that you like best.

Choose The Right Fountain Properly

Discovering a garden fountain that complements your space is the first step in decorating with them. Considerations like size, style, and cost must be made in order to accomplish this. Give it some thought as to what function you want the fountain to serve.

For instance, do you want it to be the center of attention in your garden? If so, picking a sizable, three-tiered option might be the best choice. Choosing something smaller and more understated is a better option if you want a fountain to add some ambience and be heard rather than seen.

The first step is simply to locate the ideal fountain. Choosing how to integrate it into your space is the next step. Here are some suggestions to help make sure the fountain “blends” well and looks great.

Factors To Consider When Decorating A Water Foundation

Consider Location

Which decorations would work best depends a lot on where your water fountain is located. One that is outdoors, for instance, can be embellished with plants that require a lot of light as well as other things that need to withstand snow, rain, and strong winds. Indoors, one may be embellished with inorganic materials selected more for their aesthetic appeal than for their practical value.

Your choice of design for your fountain installation should also blend in with its surroundings. Avoid decorations that might draw attention away from fish or pond plants if they are placed close to another water feature, such as a pond. Natural-material decorations, for example, can look fantastic outside because they are less likely to compete with the colors of the environment.

Consider Scale

Small or toy fountains need decorations that won’t just block the water’s flow or draw attention to themselves. In contrast, life-sized decorations can enhance the impact of large fountains. Before purchasing any décor, be sure to get its measurements and consider how it will highlight the features of your fountain. Try different placements for any items you’ve already bought with slightly different sizes near the fountain. Larger ones can be used to spice up the foreground, while smaller ones can add interest to the background.

Style Must Be Considered 

You should style your fountain so that it doesn’t stick out dramatically from the rest of your home or garden, taking functional design considerations into account. Instead, it ought to be unnoticeable in relation to its surroundings while still acting as a pleasing focal point. Fountains with sparse decorations can help a room with lots of textures feel more natural. They can give a rigid space a tiny bit of fluidity. Fountains made of smooth stone or marble, however, can be embellished with more intricately textured or shaped objects. Its softer features would be complemented by intricate sculptures and rough foliage.

Think Upkeep

Make sure you can meet the demands of the decorations you choose in terms of ongoing maintenance and upkeep costs. While an abundance of lights around a fountain may appear charming in theory, the long-term costs of maintaining the electrical components and keeping them turned on can be very high.

In order to avoid the colonization or discoloration of surfaces with dust, algae, or bacterial mats, some types of decorations will also need routine cleaning. Additionally, it may be necessary to regularly prune live decorations like vines and potted plants. Before committing fully to the use of any fountain accent, consider the upkeep requirements. The use of practical judgment in this situation is definitely beneficial.

Last Is Seasonality

Some fountain ornaments might only be of interest during specific seasons. They can be harmed by exposure to extreme cold or heat, as well as by continuous rain or snow. They may become useless and lose value after being exposed to the elements for a full year. In particular, this is true for seasonal-sensitive plants and organic ornaments.

Benefits Of Having A Water Fountain

Fountains have significant ornamental value, like the majority of water features. Both indoor and outdoor environments can be significantly more complex and moody thanks to them. They can bring luck to a home or garden, according to Feng Shui theories. Realistically speaking, this means that they have the ability to both significantly raise the market value of one’s property and muffle the sounds of nearby traffic. Both their audible and visual qualities promote relaxation and peace in terms of stress reduction.

Water fountains can be very advantageous to wildlife in addition to being aesthetically pleasing. They can act as highly oxygenated sources of water when free of chlorine and chemical additives. In open properties, it’s common for deer, rabbits, birds, and amphibians to visit fountains. Additionally, since fountains are constantly flowing, they can help control the surrounding temperature and humidity levels. When these advantages are taken together, air quality can improve, improving life.


The post talked about how to decorate around a water fountain. Do you understand? If you want to know more information about water foundation decoration, please read our posts. Thank you for reading.