How To Paint A Pergola In An Efficient Way?

How To Paint A Pergola In An Efficient Way

How to paint a pergola in an efficient way? Below are some DIY instructions that may be used to build a detached pergola. Continue reading to learn more about painting a pergola!

Can You Draw A Pergola?

Spray paint quickly and efficiently without brushing the entire surface. The best product for a quick spray pergola is Cabot’s Timbercolour Deck& This product is easy to apply and is ideal for Exterior wood surfaces.

What You Need To Paint A Pergola?

Sander or sandpaper


Paint and sprayers, brushes

A power washer or other tool for scraping away old paint

The frog with

Cardboard, old sheeting, paint paper, or plastic to cover unwanted paint areas

How To Draw A Pergola?


Preparing the wood for painting is one place you don’t want to miss. Use an electric washing machine to remove all loose, peeling paint. If you choose to power wash, let the wood dry for 24 hours. After the wood is dry, sand off the remaining loose paint with a sander and sandpaper (in this case, I used a track sander and 100 grit sandpaper). Since I put latex on latex, there was no need to remove all the paint.

Tape & Cover

Tape and cover anything you don’t want to put on. I taped the base of the post and covered the porch with cardboard. I also covered anything I didn’t want to overspray.

Primer the pergola: Next, seal all the logs with primer. Applying a primer before painting not only seals but also helps to create a smooth, even final coat. Allow time for the primer to dry.

How To Paint A Pergola In An Efficient Way


Before painting, wipe the surface to remove any dust or dirt. This creates a clean surface for the new paint to adhere to and makes the surface smooth. We used pure white paint by Sherwin Williams for the paint and satin finish. I also used the Graco Magnum X7, which made painting much easier! I applied three coats of paint to get a good even coverage.

Do You Need To Sand The Pergola Before Painting?

After removing all loose paint, sanding the surface is crucial, especially on bare wood and the edges of the remaining paint patch. Burroughs recommends using 180 grit sandpaper. After that, the sand dust needs to be brushed or rinsed off and the wood dried. Finally, it’s time to paint.

Is It Better To Dye Or Paint Pergola?

It is best to stain and seal the wood before building a wood pergola. The best way to apply a stain is to apply two or three coats, not just one. In fact, as the wood seeps in, it changes as it stains.

What Paint Did You Use On The Pergola?

You shouldn’t scrub too much because most pergolas are made of wood, which can damage the natural wood grain. Remove loose debris from the wood so that it will be smooth. Use a light sander to ensure even wood.

How To Sand A Pergola?

You can lightly sand all sides of the pergola board with a piece of medium sized sandpaper (180 grit). This process takes a while, but it’s important to get the stain deep into the wood pores.

What Paint Should Be Used To Paint The Pergola?

Pergola should be painted with acrylic because it is weatherproof and durable. When humidity is low, it is best to use oil-based paints during the driest season.


We spent a significant amount of time painting our connecting pergola on the front of our house as part of our exterior house painting project. Our pine pergola was in severe need of a fresh coat of paint! Again, even though it takes a lot of time, doing it myself was considerably more cost-effective.